Algoritmien valta on myös mielikuvien valtaa
Lehtiniemi, T. (2024). Algoritmien valta on myös mielikuvien valtaa. Tietoasiantuntija, (1/2024), 7-9.
Autonomy and Algorithms: Tracing the Significance of Content Personalization
Rydenfelt, H., Lehtiniemi, T., Haapoja, J., & Haapanen, L. (2025). Autonomy and Algorithms: Tracing the Significance of Content Personalization. International Journal of Communication, 19, 481-500.
Towards Algorithmic Luddism: class politics in data capitalism
Charitsis, V., Laamanen, M., & Lehtiniemi, T. (2024). Towards Algorithmic Luddism: class politics in data capitalism. Information, Communication & Society, 1-18.
Finland: Regulation and doctrinal challenges of automated decision-making in Public Administration
Koivisto, I., Heikkonen, S. K., & Koulu, R. (2024). Finland: Regulation and Doctrinal Challenges of Automated Decision-Making in Public Administration. In Public Digitalisation in a Legal Perspective: Status, Challenges and Opportunities for Nordic-Baltic Cooperation (pp. 71-117). Nordic Council of Ministers.
User Accounts: How technological concepts permeate public law through the EU's AI Act
Koivisto, I., Koulu, R., & Larsson, S. (2024). User accounts: How technological concepts permeate public law through the EU's AI Act. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 31(3), 412-432.
In search of living law: How should we design for (digital) legal interaction?
Koulu, R. (2024). In Search of Living Law: How Should We Design for (Digital) Legal Interaction?. Digital Society, 3(2), 31.
Disjointed modes of building resilience to socio-environmental crises
Salomaa, A., Reinekoski, T., Salminen, H., Krivochenitser, K., Hukkinen, J. I., & Lehtonen, T. K. (2025). Disjointed modes of building resilience to socio-environmental crises. Ecology and Society, 30(1).
Emotional Productivity: Exploring the Impact of AI Interactions on Employee Well-Being and Workplace Efficiency
Singh, S., Siemon, D., & Vodolazskii, D. (2025, January). Emotional Productivity: Exploring the Impact of AI Interactions on Employee Well-Being and Workplace Efficiency. In Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Employee Proactive Adaptive Behavior during an Abrupt Change: Insights from Knowledge Workers’ Unplanned Adaptation to Digital Collaboration
Blomqvist, K., Henttonen, K., Toivikko, T., & Salo, N. (2025). Employee Proactive Adaptive Behavior during an Abrupt Change: Insights from Knowledge Workers’ Unplanned Adaptation to Digital Collaboration.
Idle Minds: The Role of Social Loafing in Human-AI Teams
Elshan, E., De Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. J., Ebel, P. A., & Siemon, D. (2025, January). Idle Minds: The Role of Social Loafing in Human-AI Teams. In Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library.
Anticipatory Repair: Reframing Breakage through a Futures Agenda
Ruckenstein, M., Pink, S., Duque, M., & Callén, B. (2024). Anticipatory Repair: Reframing Breakage through a Futures Agenda. Interview with Minna Ruckenstein and Sarah Pink. Diseña, (24), 1-1.
Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva-tietokooste. Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus
Lammi, M., Viteli, J., Alasoini, T., Alastalo, M., Buchert, U., van Gerven, M., ... & Spišák, S. (2024). Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva-tietokooste. Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus. Suomen Akatemia.
Come in and see: Translating a design pattern from the courtroom into an online environment
Hakkarainen, J., & Santuber, J. (2024). Come in and See: Translating a Design Pattern from the Courtroom into an Online Environment. Digital Society, 3(2), 27.
Sociotechnical Limits of Digitalization: Mind the Gap Between Tech Visions and Practicalities of Implementing Digital Social Welfare
van Gerven, M. M. L., Alastalo, M., & Snell, K. (2024). Sociotechnical limits of digitalization: mind the gap between tech visions and practicalities of implementing digital social welfare. In Handbook of Social Policy Implementation. Edward Elgar.
This chapter argues that digitalization can exacerbate the policy implementation gap if the socio-technical nature of digital welfare is overlooked. While politically appealing, technological solutions introduce new challenges, both technical, organizational and social. Effective digital welfare requires understanding it as a socio-technical transformation, balancing economic gains with service quality. Empirical examples from social welfare and healthcare highlight the complexities and the classic principal-agent dilemma in implementing digital social policies.
Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste
Lammi, M., Viteli, J., Alasoini, T., Alastalo, M., Buchert, U., van Gerven, M., ... & Spišák, S. (2024). Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste. Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus.
Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva on kolmas strategisen tutkimuksen ja sosiaaliturvakomitean tietokumppanuus-yhteistyön tuloksena syntynyt tietokooste. Se tarkastelee digitalisaation vaikutuksia työhön, palvelujen tuottamiseen ja käyttämiseen sekä sosiaaliturvan kokonaisuuteen. Työelämän murrokset sekä nopeasti kehittyvä teknologia ja tekoälysovellutukset aiheuttavat haasteita ja uusia vaateita sosiaaliturvajärjestelmän toimivuudelle ja kestävyydelle. Tässä koosteessa strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston (STN) rahoittamat tutkijat ja ohjelmajohtajat analysoivat digitalisaation aiheuttamia murroksia yhteiskunnassa, sosiaaliturvan roolia murrokseen sopeutumisessa sekä digitalisaatiosta koituvia hyötyjä hyvinvointipalveluille.
Trust in Digital Human-AI Team Collaboration: A Systematic Review
Janhunen, E., Toivikko, T., Blomqvist, K., & Siemon, D. (2024). Trust in Digital Human-AI Team Collaboration: A Systematic Review.
Based on a systematic literature review this study shows how different digital human-AI team role and task configurations affect team processes and related trust dynamics between AI and human collaborators. It also identifies cross-level effects as team-level trust is dynamically linked to both individual perceptions of AI trustworthiness and organizational level trust and psychological safety in AI adoption.
‘Leanbotics’ Case – Exploring Inclusive Synergies Between Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Process Improvement
Kedziora, D., Siemon, D., & Sharda, R. (2024). ‘Leanbotics’ Case–Exploring Inclusive Synergies Between Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Process Improvement.
In the rapidly changing organizations, the importance of inclusive service design is growing, both for external relations and internal communities. In our case study, we explored the synergy between process improvement and automation for the inclusive digital transformation at a large Nordic organization. Merging the governance of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Continuous Improvement (CI) programme, by developing a ‘Leanbotics’ programme allowed for more efficient and engaging experience, by shifting the focus on including everyone in the community. The insights collected qualitatively from the key personnel taking part in the transition uncovered meaningful synergies in the novel value proposition of easily understandable and inclusive service design.
Contextual social valences for artificial intelligence: anticipation that matters in social work
Lehtiniemi, T. (2023). Contextual social valences for artificial intelligence: anticipation that matters in social work. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
In pilot trials, Finnish caseworkers in child welfare services used an AI tool predicting severe risks faced by their clients. Based on interviews with the caseworkers involved, this article draws on those trials to discuss AI valences, or the range of expectations of AI’s value and performance, in social work and beyond. While AI travels across sites of application and sectors of society, its value is often expected to come from the production of anticipatory knowledge.
Imaginaries of better administration: Renegotiating the relationship between citizens and digital public power
Esko, T., & Koulu, R. (2023). Imaginaries of better administration: Renegotiating the relationship between citizens and digital public power. Big Data & Society, 10(1), 20539517231164113.
This article investigates future visions of digital public administration as they appear within a particular regulatory process that aims to enable automated decision-making (ADM) in public administration in Finland. By drawing on science and technology studies, public administration studies, and socio-legal studies we analyze law in the making and identify four imaginaries of public digital administration: understandable administration, self-monitoring administration, adaptive administration, and responsible administration.
Digitaalisten työvälineiden käyttö sovittelun laadun tukena
Hakkarainen, J., & Koulu, R. (2023). Digitaalisten työvälineiden käyttö sovittelun laadun tukena.
Selvitys tarkastelee sovittelun digitalisaatiota ja sovitteluteknologioiden nykytilaa sekä niiden mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita Suomessa ja kahdeksassa muussa vertailumaassa. Selvitys vastaa tavoitteeseen oikeudenhoidon ja digitaalisten palveluiden kehittämisestä tutkimuslähtöisesti, oikeusvaltioperiaatetta mukaillen. Tavoite on etsiä keinoja eri teknologioiden hyödyntämiseen sovittelussa ja kartoittaa eri vaihtoehtoihin liittyviä oikeudellisia, kokemuksellisia ja hallinnollisia riskejä.