Minna Ruckenstein
Professor, Emerging Technologies in Society
University of HelsinkiProject Leader
Johannes Anttila
Senior Policy Expert, Technology in Society
Demos HelsinkiInteraction Lead
Veera Koskinen
Project Coordinator
University of HelsinkiProject Coordinator
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Kirsimarja Blomqvist
Professor, Knowledge Management
LUT Universitytrust, AI, adoption, implementation, development and ethics
Minna van Gerven
Professor, Social Policy
University of Helsinkidigitalisation of social security and social services, digital welfare and automation of social security
Riikka Koulu
Associate Professor, Socio-Legal Implications of AI
University of Helsinkilaw as a driver and renewer of digitalisation
Pekka Mäkelä
Research Coordinator, Practical Philosophy
University of HelsinkiDEDA and value sensitive design
Raul Hakli
University Researcher, Practical Philosophy
University of Helsinkivalues, social practices and institutions of algorithmic systems
Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen
Professor, Sociology
Tampere Universitycyber insurance, uncertainty, risk and preparedness
Tuukka Lehtiniemi
Senior Researcher, Economic Sociology
University of HelsinkiAI in social care and healthcare, AI training, chatbots, data economy, data work and prison labour
Dominik Siemon
Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Service Development
LUT Universityartificial intelligence, the future of work and intelligent interactive information systems
Aleksander Heikkinen
Doctoral Researcher, Social Policy
University of Helsinkidigitalisation of social security, automated decision-making and discretion
Laura Savolainen
Doctoral Researcher, Sociology
University of Helsinkidata, materiality and infrastructure
Essi Janhunen
Junior Researcher, Finance and Business Analytics
LUT Universityhuman-AI collaboration
Tuuli Toivikko
Junior Researcher, Knowledge Managment
LUT Universitytrust and AI, social and digital affordances
Maiju Tanninen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Sociology
KU Leuven / University of Helsinkilife assurance, datafication and trust
Jenni Hakkarainen
Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Law
University of Helsinkithe role of legislation in digitalisation and automation
Sanna Vellava
Doctoral Researcher, Anthropology
University of Helsinkianthropology of science, ethnography, human-animal relations, infrastructures
Ilpo Helén
Professor, sociology
University of Eastern Finlanddata-driven healthcare and social services, patient data management systems, sociotechnical data practices and politics of datafication
Aino Salmi
Doctoral Researcher, Social and Public Policy
University of Helsinkidigitalisation of social security, automated decision-making and discretion
Zamzam Elmi
Master’s researcher, Social and Public Policy
University of Helsinkidata analytics and work disability
Santeri Räisänen
Doctoral Researcher,
Science and Technology Studies
University of Helsinkiinnovation Culture, Expertise, Post-Bureaucracy and Digital Welfare State
Tapio Reinekoski
Doctoral researcher, sociology
University of Tamperecyber insurance, uncertainty, risk and preparedness
Marta Choroszewicz
Senior researcher, sociology
University of Eastern FinlandAI-automation of public administration and services, invisible work, professional work, inequality mechanisms, digital welfare state
Fanny Aaltonen
Master’s Researcher, Social and Public Policy
University of Helsinkidiscretion, digitalization and social security
Julia Velkova
Associate Professor
University of Linköpingdigital infrastructures and public values
Jenna Jylhä
Master’s Researcher, Global Sustainability
University of Helsinkiregional development and digital infrastructures
Aukusti Komulainen
Economic and Social History
Univeristy of Helsinkinformation society and future thinking
Joonas Aitonurmi
Doctoral Researcher, Consumer Research
University of Helsinkipublic digital infrastructure, public values and trust
Kamil Mamak
Postdoctoral Researcher, Practical Philosophy
University of Helsinkiresponsibility, technology ethics, human-centered technology, and philosophy of technology
Garima Singh
Doctoral Researcher, Social and Public Policy
University of Helsinkiequitable digital welfare, AI and Data Feminism and systemic biases
Eira Syvälähde
Doctoral Researcher, sociology
University of Helsinkihealthcare datafication, patient information systems and patient work
Otava Kiesiläinen
Research Assistant
University of Helsinkiresearch data management and other assisting tasks
Shobhana Sharma
Master’s Researcher, Social and Public Policy
University of HelsinkiSystemic Biases, Automated Algorithmic Decision Making and Immigration
Outi Behm
Junior Researcher, Knowledge Management
LUT Universityenergy transition, trust and artificial intelligence
Pekka Tuominen
Senior Research Fellow, Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of HelsinkiAI in research and transdiciplinary collaboration